The objectives of this society shall be the following:


1) To help educate the members to be with good character, traits and virtuosity;
2) To develop potentials and preserve ideals by teaching;
3) To provide opportunity for leadership, training and service;
4) To give priority to human and spiritual values rather than to the material values of life;
5) To enlighten members on the importance of respect to human life and the spiritual belief of every individuals;
6) To impart to the members, all factors of society that will promote world peace;
7) To educate members on a broader sense, the establishment of a society that is pro-GOD, pro-Country and pro-People; and
8) Institute individual reform through education – imparting the “Althonians values” onward to the unity of mankind.


1) To develop camaraderie among members; and
2) To institutionalize through Alpha Theta Omega by bridging the gaps to all tribes and races toward domestic and international understanding.


1) To encourage members to serve GOD, People and Country;
2) To encourage members in the spirit of service for the improvement of human relationship in the community and/or in any learning institutions;
3) To develop self-discipline and civic consciousness; and
4) To promote the spirit of cooperation among members.